Alvor agreement "Reviews”
Course: Diplomacy
Academic year: 2015/2016
Full Name: Paixão António José
Before starting the concise dissertation about Alvor agreement, is our interest give a few information about Angola, or mean the country that we will talk about.
Angola is a country situated at southern Africa, under equator line, with a latitude of 12º 30' S and longitude of 18º 30' E, with a dimension of 1.246.700 km², with a border of 6.487 which of 4.837 km terrestrial and 1.650 maritime. The country has got 18 provinces, Luanda is the capital according the constitution (article 20 Angola constitution 2010), other important city are Lobito, Benguela, Lubango, Huambo, Namibe, Malange and Cabinda. The country is limited by RDC at North, RC (Republic of Congo) at northeast, Zambia east, Namibia at south and at west is bathed by the Atlantic ocean.
Angolan politic history, dates back from XIII century, by the way, the actual Angola was divided by Kingdoms, the most important were Kingdom Congo, Ndongo, Matala, Bailundo, Kwanhama. This, before the European presence the margin of the Zaire River (north of Angola) at 1482.
From that time, the relation between the natives and portuguese was friendly, until the portuguese take the land from the natives and started the colonization process, situation that took too long long time, nearly 50 decades of colonization and slavery (read Boubakar Keita, Black Africa History 2010).
Therefore, the fight against colonizations had gotten start at 4th February 1961, when a group around of 200 angolans connected with independents moviments, attacked the house of military confinment in Luanda, 7th police station, the headquarters of the CTT and the national broadcaster of Angola, taking in account the inhuman treatment that the population was submitted. Is important to emphasise that a mounth early, has happened the slaughter of baixa de cassange in Malange (read Low of Cassange the catalyst that led to the correction of a mistake-Military magazine,by the Professor John P. Cann 2011) This fight is know by “armed struggle of national liberation” (Luta armada de Libertacao Nacional), started by the three moviments of libertation of Angola FNLA (Frente Nacional de Libertação de Angola), MPLA (Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola) and UNITA (União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola) just in 1966. On the other hand, portuguese governanment strengthened the military guard of all angolan soil, as well hunter of the leaders of the libertation moviments.
Dissertation: presentation, description of a document
Southern: Austral or meridional
Equator: line that divide the world in two parts north and south
Agreement: is that references a common set of ideas or goals on the part of two or more countries
Margin: border, riverside
Confinment: reserveted areas for especific group of people
Headquarters: the main institution place for military army
Inhuman: violetion of the human rights
Slaughter: is the social practice in which a human being takes ownership rights to another designated for slave, which imposed such a condition by means of force.
Strengthen: act to reforce something or a contigent
Stoke of State: is a constitutionally legitimate Government illegally topple
Recognize: acept something or somebody
Gold colony: the most precious colony, at this context, we can understand as the favourite colony.
Portion: geographically is a parte separeted of the coutry
Annex: fix something to another, or a part of land to another land
Treaty: is an agreement resulting from the convergence of wills of two or more subjects of international law, formalized in a written text, with the goal of producing legal effects at international level.
Bloody: something very violent and danger
Peacefully: calm, sere, passivity,free of violence
Amnisty: Act of the legislature to forgive a fact punishable by suspension the persecutions and nullifies convictions
Transational government: is kind or government formed by two or more politics groups, in order to colaborate at governation of a country, region or organization during a determinated time.
Presidencial college: formation of the government by two or more grupo, sharing ideas in making the decision
Undertake: comprimise, comply
Fratricide: military conflict between parties from the seme country
Bibliographic reference
Angola constitution ( Angola government 2010 )
Scandal of peace (Mourisca, Francisco 2001-Uije)
Prevention and management of elections conflicts in members States of SADC electoral ( Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Catholic University of Angola-Social Science Faculty-Angola)
Angolan Public right (Feijo, Carlos 1st edition 2001-Luanda)
Power and Politic in Austral Africa 1974-1989 (Silva, Sergio Escolar Editora 2013- Lisbon)
Text of the agreement Between The Portuguese Government And liberation movements 15.11.1975- Luanda-Lisbon
Joseph Kizerbo (Le mond Africain noire 1964-Ouagadougou-Paris)
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Nome: Paixão António José
Filhação: Ernesto José e Adélia António
Data de nascimento: 26 de Outubro de 1992
Nacionalidade: angolana
Estado civíl: solteiro
Residente em Luanda/ Sambizanga-Miramar
B.I Nº 004606695LA049
Iniciação 1998/1999 Escola sete de Agosto-Luanda
1ª classe 1999/2000 Escola sete de Agosto-Luanda
2ª classe 2000/2001 Escola sete de Agosto-Luanda
3ª classe 2001/2002 Escola sete de Agosto-Luanda
4ª classe 2002/2003 Escola sete de Agosto-Luanda
5ª classe 2003/2004 Colégio Bom Samaritano-Lobito
6ª classe 2004/2005 Esc. Comandante Valódia-Lobito
7ª classe 2005/2006 Esc. Major Saidy Vieira Dias Mingas “Lutuima” Lobito
8ª classe 2006/2007 Esc. Major Saidy Vieira Dias Mingas “Lutuima” Lobito
9ª classe 2007/2008 Esc. Major Saidy Vieira Dias Mingas “Lutuima” Lobito
10ª classe 2008/2009 História/Geografia IMNE-Marista-Luanda
11ª classe 2009/2010 História/Geografia IMNE-Marista-Luanda
12ª classe 2010/2011 História/Geografia IMNE-Marista-Luanda
13ª classe 2011/2012 História/Geografia IMNE-Marista-Luanda
1º ano 2012/2013 Ciência Política Faculdade de Ciências Sociais-UAN
2º ano 2013/2014 Ciência Política Faculdade de Ciências Sociais-UAN
3º ano 2014/... Ciência Política Faculdade de Ciências Sociais-UAN
Curso de Inglês 2008/2010
Curso de Francês 2010/2011
Curso de Bibliotecário 2011
Curso de Secretariado informatizado 2012
Curso de Chefia de chefia e liderança 2013
Curso Relações públicas e marketing 2013
Curso de Alemao 2014
Português, falado e escrito fluentemente
Inglês falado e escrito fluentemente
Francês falado e escrito fluentemente
Alemao falado e escrito fluetemente