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Analyze and critic Nuclear weapons treaty "1968"
Analyze and critic Nuclear weapons treaty "1968"

The treaty on the non proliferation of nuclear weapons, is historical and very important treaty for the building a new world without many dangerous weapons around. The meeting took place at three diferentes cities, at the end of 60 decade, twenty three years after finishing the cold war. The treaty starting to London, Moscow and finished with the agreement of all the participating in Washington DC, on 1st July 1968.

The referent document, enter in force only at 5th March 1970, currently 189 countries join into de treaty and five of them recognize being detentor of dangerous weapons, like United States, China, Russian, United Kingodoom and France, curiously the permanent members of Council Security of the United Nations.

The main target of the treatay was to regulate the weapons within these countries and all others countries that have in posse massive’s weapons and those who haven’t, avoid to produce in massive or even not produce.

Is relevant to say that those five countries previously mentioned hold 90% of nuclear’s weapons, the rest is distribuited by others countries mainly India, Pakistan and Israel. Would we mind say that North Korea is the only country that gave up of the this pact in 2003.

The nuclear weapons in world politic is seen as an instrument of persuasion from one State to another. In case of one has politic or military problem with another nomally sent an ultimatum, to his homolog, other ways, the State gun hold can use the instrument against the country in case. One of the most clear example is the end of the second world war, when the United State of America launched the atomic bomb at Nagazak and Hiroshima in Japan.

My particular opinion, this shows the power that countries within weapons nuclears have to others countries, it mean that everytime of  the world story they will be in front of others.

According the reality of the world, the tendece of the countries is to produce more and more nuclear weapons, so as to defend their borders and also inside of the, country in case of an eventual attack.

Instead of this and others factors not here mentioned, the weapons nuclear’s treaty is in dangerous, by raising the issue of the complicity of the agreement and how to by pass that in a next future in order to return back to the comply with the genesis of the agreement.

For now, we will analise the treaty, and also try to give some background in exceptation to change something in the agreement, so as to fellow the corrent reality politic’s life and the tendence of military.


1.Treaty on the non proliferation of nuclear weapons and our view point

The following critical analisys, will be made according the articles of the treaty, so, not all articles obsviously will be criticized, for the fact to agree with some of them as well protecting them in target to keep as they are now.

Below we have the description of the chief topic of our article:

Article I

I suggest that all of the countries within nucleares weapon’s should destroy all of nucleares armaments in their posse, or should be stored by internacional Atomic Energy Agency  in order to start a really agreement of peace, because those weapons are dangerous signs for the world peace. At another hand, it’s shows the weakness of the countries that don’t have. Because the proprietor of those weapons can use that to persuade others States.

Article II

I suggest that the States without any nuclear weapons, and without any tendence of nuclerars weapon’s production, should have a internacional gift and recognized as  States promoter of the universal peace and human rights. And the State that should recusate to obey the assumptions of the treaty should be severely punished.

Article III

Point 4 I suggest that criation of sub agencies at each continent for a rigorous control of ilegal atomic’s activities, could reduce the level of production of those weapons in the world.

Article VI

I suggest that, the governament of each country member of the treaty, should discourage their citazies to engage in traffic of weapons anywhere in the world, so as the non organizations governamental.

Article VIII

Point 3. I suggest that common meeting to analise the follow up of the of the rules treaty’s should realized each 12 months, so that the possibilities to hatch an atomic war could be totally annihilated and also revised of the treaty and the new proposals should be gave at the seme moment of the meeting.

Article IX

Point 1. I suggest that the signatories States as well the place that have to be deposited the files, of the treaty, should be revised, instead that the three countries have into them atomic weapons. My view point, a state without any atomic weapons could be at better position the execute the function.

Point 3. I suggest more transparence in the manner of selection of the other 40 States ratification before the entry into force of the document, as well revise the others three States ( United State, United Kingdoom and Union Social Socialist Republic).

Article X

Point 2. I suggest that all of decisions concern the treaty should be decide for all of the members of the treaty, instead of deleting, some countries, what can bring into the organization a spirit of distrust and separation.

1.1- The humanity and the nuclear weapons

The treaty on non proliferation nuclear weapons, should be one of the priorities of the States, taking in account that the actual principal threats of the humanity is the war, that most of times those weapons are used, in order to defend his space against the adversary.

As prevoiusly we gave the example of the second war as well the consequences that brought to the two Japan cities and others around. Beside this case, We can turn back our attetions, still during the second world war, the chemistry weapons used by Adolf Hitler to exterminate the jews people in concentration camps; the development project of chemistry weapons by Union Socialists Sovietic Republics in Kazahstan during the cold war; the Iraque case, in march 1988 an attack with mustard gas at Haladja village, by the Iran military, five thousand civilians died and seven thousand wounded the images of the victims stalled in agony horrified the world; At his turn, the Soviet Union was accused of using incapacitating gases against the rebels in Afghanistan, At the end of the 19th century, in the Boer War, in South Africa, English troops invented a ruse to throw an explosive picric acid. The device did not work, but started there attempts to win fights with toxic weapons (Politic and Power from 1974 to1989 Silva, Sergio, Lisbon 2013).

However, if take look for the internacional politic arena, we will understand that the Politic leaders in the world, are worried with the future of the world security, as well the borders of their countries, reason why the race for the weapons mass destruction is more lit. At another hand, the environmentalists say that the demage created by the nuclear weapons and others weapons mass destruction, are increasingly growing at 21first centure. So, those indicatores, if continues like this can destroy the all of the world for at near future.

As well the race of weapons mass distruction is lit, the discussion about the referent topic is also. The main leaders of the world, successively discuss at this topic, in order to find a possible and favorable solutions for everydoby, I mean all of the countries, but most of the time, the meeting finish without any agreement for reasons of interests collision between them, what lastly show to us that is easer for the worlds leaders discuss the terrorism and the solutions, as well others topics, but when is touch at topic of weapons mass destrucction, the reality completly changes.

Several are attempts of resolution on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, all of wich are sequences of the non proliferation treaty from July 1 1968.

below, we describe the most important treaties and conventions of non proliferation mass weapons, as well theirs insidences at internacional politic;

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT); The Convention on chemical weapons (CWC); and the Convention on Biological and Toxic Weapons (BWC)

  • Non Proliferation Treaty

Regarding the first, the NPT, as the main control mechanism of vertical and horizontal nuclear proliferation, has been signed in 1968 and entered into force in 1970. In their initial terms provided for a lifespan of 25 years, with periodic revisions every five. The decision to prolong the time resulted of the Conference in New York in 1995, for unlimited period. The Members States can be divided into two main categories: the non-nuclear and nuclear. The objective criterion for this categorization is to consider "legally" the State that detonates a nuclear device until January 1967. Such discretion results nuclear classification for the USA (1945), the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) (1949), the United Kingdom (UK) (1952), France (1960) and China (1964). It should be noted that Russia has replaced the Soviet Union as a member of the nuclear treaty in 1992, while the Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus, gave up their nuclear status, accepted to be the Treaty as non-nuclear States.

In addition to the five permanent members of the CS/UN, in 2005 the Treaty counted over 184 Member States, including North Korea, which announced his departure in 2003, having been rejected for not having informed three months in advance, as is regulated. To India, Israel and Pakistan do not have acceded to this Treaty. It is also worth mentioning that in 1995, a review and extension Conference of the Treaty, there were references in relation to the development of the 3 concept of "Nuclear Weapon Free Zones" (NWFZs) as a complement to what was established. With the main objective to better adapt the determinations of the NPT to specific regional situations, this concept was considered important to the global context of non-proliferation. Its application resulted even today: the Latin American NWFZ (Treaty of Tlatelolco, 1967); the NWFZ in the South Pacific (Treaty of Raratonga, 1985); and the NWFZ in Africa (Pelindaba Treaty, 1996). The Treaty of Bangkok in 1995, resulted in the Southeast Asia NWFZ it wasn't immediately ratified by the five Nuclear States ".

In 2002 Kazakhstan, Kyrgistão, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have completed negotiations to establish the Central Asian NWFZ, getting to keep the ratification of the five States-nuclear.

  • Convention Weapons Chemistry (CWC) And Biological Weapons And Convention (BWC)

The chemical and biological weapons, was at 1925 Geneva Convention forhibiting their use, not their manufacture. The ease and scarcity of structures necessary for their development and implementation make your surveillance and detection process particularly difficult. As a result of numerous efforts to the creation of the banning regime in its entirety the development and use of these weapons were the two BWC and CWC conventions referred to. The Convention on biological weapons was traded between 1969 and 1971, has been signed in 1972 and entered into force in 1975. Prohibits the development, production, acquisition and storage of biological agents. In the case of these weapons, the ease and speed with which can be developed in seemingly innocent lab leads to consider that the Convention, despite establishing a regulatory framework, has a very limited capacity verification.

The Convention on chemical weapons made a lot later and led a far more long trading period (1980-1992), was signed in 1993 and entered into force in 1997. Its main purpose was to ban completely the development, production, acquisition, stockpiling or using any kind of chemical weapon. Can be regarded as a great catalyst of the use of this type of weapons in the war Will Iraq – by both sides. It's like the use of those weapons reaction in that war that the creation of the "Australian Group (AG), in 1985, thus forming an informal group, which accounts for 39 countries, with a view to preventing the proliferation of chemical weapons. As main activities, the exchange of information, in order to control and prevent the proliferation and the development of lists of essential chemicals, which must be subject to tight export control.

Now becomes a timely reference to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). We refer to an autonomous intergovernmental Organization placed under the aegis of the UN, whose Statute was adopted on 23 October 1956, and entered into force on 29 July 1957. Its main objective is to encourage and facilitate the development and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in the world, implementing a system of audits and inspections to infrastructure and nuclear materials, which aim to verify that there are no variances to proscribed purposes, including the production of WMD. As a whole, these procedures, are the safeguards (safeguards), whose action is purely technical, not having any physical protection capacity or police force for that purpose. The inspection system is fundamentally contextualized with the measures set out in the NPT, in particular the fact that its Member States have to accept fully the above-mentioned nuclear safeguards. Should be identified this Organization as relevant actor in the entire dynamic of the fight against proliferation of WMD that, being under the aegis of the UN, materializes the measures provided for under the NPT which, as we have seen, must be considered the main pillar of the entire process at present.

Still in the sphere of IAEA is pertinent to refer to the "Additional Protocol" that, in the context of the NPT went on to give to that organization the authority to conduct the so-called Special Inspections. It is considered as a milestone for this possibility seized lessons of the Gulf war-1991, in which Iraq would have developed a secret network of infrastructure for the development of a nuclear weapons program. Until then the inspections that focused only on the organization structures declared by country inspected, leaving here a clear void in terms of mandate. With this additional protocol of IAEA inspections have been given a profile more pro-active, making the nuclear safeguards in a more credible and efficient instrument.

To sumarize, as we can see, the long list of the treaties and conventions about non proliferation nuclear weapons, but until now is that there is not a strong and final solution for the puzzle and the reasons are clear “the fear existent of each others”. The insecurity spirit between the countries and the politic of overplacement of some countries to others as well the military diversity of the States, are in our view the main enclaves a serious agreement.  



NPT -  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

CWC - Convention on chemical weapons

BWC - Convention on Biological and Toxic Weapons

USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

USA – United State of America

UN – United Kingodom

CS – Council Security

UN – United Nations

NWFZs  - Nuclear Weapon Free Zones

AG  - Australian Group

IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency

WMD – Weapos Materials demage

CEU – Council European Union


Bibliographic reference

Convention on the Prohibition of the Development Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction – Dec 1971.

USA (2006). National Military Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction, USA.

CEU (2003). A Secure Europe in a Better World, Council European Union

EU (2003). European Union strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, European Union.

Politic and Power from 1974 to 1989 (Silva, Sergio)


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Nome: Paixão António José

Filhação: Ernesto José e Adélia António

Data de nascimento: 26 de Outubro de 1992

Nacionalidade: angolana

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Residente em Luanda/ Sambizanga-Miramar

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