The economic crisis is the oscillation at some political and economic sectors around an average of business economics, these osillation are by the economists as financial crisis.
However, the economic crisis in Angolan contest, is seen as leak of financial resource, what breaks down the national economic apparatus. Is important to explain that the Angolan economic crisis get started at the end of 2014 and knew his apogee in middle of year 2016.
1.1.The causes of the crisis
Taking in account the Angolan greatest economic dependence in oil, the country dove into a crisis with the fell down of the crude, that afect not only the local market but as well the other international market, for example the OPEC countries. Is estimated that the fell down of the crude was from USD 100 to USD 10 per barrel along the year 2016. Nevertheless the specialists say that this is one of the largest oil fall in period of 5 decads.
Like many OPEC members (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries), and other countries beyond of the organization but that have the oil as the main keep of their economy,witnessed a big decrease of the economy mainly at finacial sector.
The poor investment at certain sectors like agriculture, livestock, fishing, rural and urban turism and other sustainable sectors, contribuite too for the actual economic crisis in the country. The terminilogy diversification of the economy, doesn´t leave the cidade alta.
Angola is an oligopoly market, where the economy is controlled by small group of people, that faith strongly in order to strenghten their economic power more and more, the unfair competiotion, the repression of the micro business leaders, the patology of rise up and insentive of political entrepreneurs, the exacerbated level of bureaucracy, are unfortunetly the key words of the national economy. So this scourge that affects Angolan economy for larges years, is seen as the one of the enginner of the actual economic crisis, furthermore, the investment of some Angolans milionaire/bilionaire citizens abroad is too a real big threaten the national economy and this crisis is judt the consequence.
The weak branding or marketing of the country is not out of the causes of the Angolan financia crisis.
Approximately three years of national crisis, meanest are the consequences seen day by day. Between them are:
1.3.Social consequences: reduction of the families income, cuts and wage adjustments, dismissal of employed, rise up the number of unemployed, the rise up of the criminality, the increase of corruption in particular in Luanda, the impoverishment of rural population, the decrease of the middle class, the detachment between the high and the middle class, the inflation, etc.
Tabela 1 |
Atribuition of the prioritaies education programs 2014-2016 (in million of kwanzas |
Program |
GSB 2014 |
GSB 2015 |
GSB 2016 |
Variation 2014/16 |
Development of primary and secondary education |
81,791 |
34,636 |
57,470 |
-30% |
Educational Reform |
3,367 |
966 |
1,295 |
-62% |
Development of Special Sistem of Education |
409 |
379 |
178 |
-56% |
Improvement of the Formation Sistem Tecnico-profissional |
9,912 |
6,373 |
12,297 |
24% |
Improvement of the Superior Quality Education |
14,852 |
5,380 |
10,766 |
-28% |
Alfabetization |
4,228 |
2,179 |
3,462 |
-18% |
Strengthen the Cap. Institutional Sistem of Emp. And Profissional Formation |
857 |
187 |
81 |
-91% |
Investment and Tecnologic Development |
2,745 |
806 |
1,302 |
-53% |
Rehabilitation and dotation of Superior Education Infrastructurs |
15,438 |
1,303 |
4,148 |
-73% |
Implementation of the National Sistem of Science, Tecnology and Inovation |
4,871 |
231 |
506 |
-90% |
Expansion of the pre school Education |
17 |
398 |
2241% |
Intensification of adults alfabetzation |
140 |
N.D. |
Dev.of infastructure formation of profissional and sp. education |
511 |
138 |
177 |
-65% |
Improvment of the formation and tecnic sistem and job |
2,553 |
91 |
317 |
-88% |
141,551 |
52,670 |
92,537 |
-35% |
Source: OGE 2014-2016
The crisis permanece between Angolan people almost three years, make the population pay more attention about the future dangers. By the effect, new economic habits is rising up inside of the families.
Came up the rationalization of the financial resource, aniquilition of the exacerbate consum, looking for the surplus inside of the families, awaking the national economic mind, more participatio in political issues done by public debats, broadcast, radio television however still with some inhabition of the public opinion, the tendency of the emergence of the micro investments, these aspects make part of the economic social impact in the base level.
At another hand, the governmenthas been creating programs of financial education, passing the appealing the population to economize founds, creation of institution to promote and help micro, small, medium-sized enterprises for example BUE (Balcão Único Empresial “Unic business Counter”) and ANGOLA INVESTE, the implementation of economic program diversification like agriculture, increase the production of goods, reduction of importation and grow up the exportation, wage cut at of the general assembly and other sectors, however very contested by the deputies, are the main impacts at the top level.
We think that is very importante to underline that the previous paragraph doesn´t clarify the positives aspects of the economic crisis, but simply explain what has been the daily routine of Angolan population at last three years and possibly this drastic reality come to spread for more time unless the public policies adapt serious measures for the austerity. Somehow, with the demografic pression is crucial speed up in order to avoid a future economic chaos, what could degenerate a social crisis in large scale.
1.4- Perspectives
Taking in account the austerity measures that government has been taking, the opinions about Angolan future economy are so hybrid. The IMF (international Monetary Fund) says that the Angolan economy will start recovering in 2017 in a scale of 3,5% and the increase of public debit.
Still according IMF (international Monetary Fund) for this year based in the oil barrel price of USD 53 the economy will grow up around 3,5%, the oilfield will registering a growth of 6,8% and no oilfield 2,1%.
By his time, Angolan government share an optmist opinion, saying that the reforms made at differents social sectors will have positive effect and axiously some of them are already seem by the people.
The so wait economic diversification is already a reality according the José Eduardo government because the investments at certain sectors like agriculture, livestock, fishing, industrial manufactured turism and empresarial is already a reality. This last sector for example provide us information like the alteration made at some crucial companies for example BPC (Banco de Poupança e Crédito Banc of Credit and Savings) BDA (Banco de Desenvolvimento Angola-Angolan Banc of Development) BCI (Banco de Comércio e Crédito-Banc of Busness and Credit), the creation of UIF (Instituto de Investigação Financeira-Institut of Financial Investigation) whose the main goal is to fight or eradicate the money laundering and finacing the terrorism, in mean time there were as well reform at BNA (Banco Nacional de Angola-Angola National Banc), SONANGOL (Angolan Oil Society) TAAG (Linhas Aéras de Angola- Angola airlines); EMIRATES as means of austerity.
1.4.1. Academic perspective of Angolan economy 2020
The reduction of fiscal deficiency 4825 million of kwanzas in 2012, 4602 million of kwanzas in 2013, 4163 million of kwanzas in 2014 and 3968,6 of kwanzas in 2015, are results very animators for the period faced by our economy, in what the only way to finance the State debit will be public indebtedness. The break down of the fiscal imposition are not have been offset for the increase of the tributaries parcels tax.
A fiscal deficiency of 7,2% of gross domestic product in 2015, the risks are the severus plan aplication so as to keep the confidence of the international agencies “rating” or the only resource will be the loan to IMF (International Monetary Fund), at another, the imprevisble price of crude can positivly appease the non confortable present situation.
Adra Angola E Unicef Angola (Educação No Oge 2016)
Alves Da Rocha (As Perspectivas De Crescimento Económico De Angola Até 2020)
1 |
Nome: Paixão António José
Filhação: Ernesto José e Adélia António
Data de nascimento: 26 de Outubro de 1992
Nacionalidade: angolana
Estado civíl: solteiro
Residente em Luanda/ Sambizanga-Miramar
B.I Nº 004606695LA049
Iniciação 1998/1999 Escola sete de Agosto-Luanda
1ª classe 1999/2000 Escola sete de Agosto-Luanda
2ª classe 2000/2001 Escola sete de Agosto-Luanda
3ª classe 2001/2002 Escola sete de Agosto-Luanda
4ª classe 2002/2003 Escola sete de Agosto-Luanda
5ª classe 2003/2004 Colégio Bom Samaritano-Lobito
6ª classe 2004/2005 Esc. Comandante Valódia-Lobito
7ª classe 2005/2006 Esc. Major Saidy Vieira Dias Mingas “Lutuima” Lobito
8ª classe 2006/2007 Esc. Major Saidy Vieira Dias Mingas “Lutuima” Lobito
9ª classe 2007/2008 Esc. Major Saidy Vieira Dias Mingas “Lutuima” Lobito
10ª classe 2008/2009 História/Geografia IMNE-Marista-Luanda
11ª classe 2009/2010 História/Geografia IMNE-Marista-Luanda
12ª classe 2010/2011 História/Geografia IMNE-Marista-Luanda
13ª classe 2011/2012 História/Geografia IMNE-Marista-Luanda
1º ano 2012/2013 Ciência Política Faculdade de Ciências Sociais-UAN
2º ano 2013/2014 Ciência Política Faculdade de Ciências Sociais-UAN
3º ano 2014/... Ciência Política Faculdade de Ciências Sociais-UAN
Curso de Inglês 2008/2010
Curso de Francês 2010/2011
Curso de Bibliotecário 2011
Curso de Secretariado informatizado 2012
Curso de Chefia de chefia e liderança 2013
Curso Relações públicas e marketing 2013
Curso de Alemao 2014
Português, falado e escrito fluentemente
Inglês falado e escrito fluentemente
Francês falado e escrito fluentemente
Alemao falado e escrito fluetemente